![various style mirrors](https://storage.googleapis.com/prod-masterframing-public/Custom Framed Mirrors-HdcCCJt3l.jpeg)
Custom Framed Mirrors
Custom framed mirrors are gaining in popularity as additions to any style of decor and for many good reasons. In addition to the function a mirror provides in a bathroom, bedroom, closet, or even just before you walk out of your door, mirrors have other benefits. Mirrors make small spaces feel larger, they add variety to plain walls, increase light in dark areas, reflect the beauty of a fine piece of furniture, bring a lacklustre room to life, fill in an odd-sized space, and create a focal point or conversation piece in a room.
Why a custom framed mirror?
A beautifully framed mirror adds elegance to a room. If designed correctly, it can also help when designing a themed decor. A custom framed mirror is built to your specifications – right down to the last detail – exactly sized for your space and designed for your style. You get to be involved in the design process, choosing from hundreds of frame samples and mirror choices to build a unique, one-of-a-kind mirror for your home. Premanufactured mirrors cannot compare to the quality and style of a custom framed mirror. Our framers will make sure your mirror will safely stand the test of time, hang properly, and fit beautifully in your space.
Do you have an “odd sized” or tight space that you don’t know how best to decorate? Try a mirror.
The great thing about custom framed mirrors is that they can solve almost any design dilemma in your decor because they can be any style, any size, and any colour and/or texture.
When space is tight, a floor length mirror positioned behind a piece of furniture gives it prominence and makes it looks like it was placed there on purpose rather than tucked into the space because it was the only one available. We recommend using wall brackets on a standing mirror even if it feels sturdy enough to stand on its own.
You can also read: How to Choose the Right Mirrors for Your Walls
Use a mirror to amplify light (either natural or interior)
You can position a mirror either next to or across from a natural light source which will make the room seem much lighter and airy. Positioning a mirror behind an interior light (even a candle) helps extend the lights reach and can result in a romantic, almost magical look.
Tips & Hints
• Only use one large mirror per room – too many reflections can be visually confusing.
• If you choose a mirror with a bevelled edge, make the mirror large enough so that the edge does not interrupt the main reflection.
• A mirror should take up ½ to ¾ of the viewable wall space if it is not bundled with other wall décor items. Balance your positive and negative space.
• For tight areas like bathrooms, measure your maximum available space and make sure your framer knows your size limitation.
• Hang it correctly on your first attempt. When you are ready to hang your mirror, consider the heights of the people using it for proper placement – don’t make the tallest person have to bend down so their head isn’t cut off; similarly, don’t make the shortest person have to stand on something to see themselves in the mirror (kids excepted).
• Mirrors make frames look smaller than they are – use as wide a moulding as possible for your mirror frame (this also gives more structural integrity helping carry the weight of the mirror.